Geoserver WFS Creator 2.0.0
Its possible to limit the number of layers that are brought back from a capabilities request to a Geoserver. I have not been able to limit to an individual layer…
Its possible to limit the number of layers that are brought back from a capabilities request to a Geoserver. I have not been able to limit to an individual layer…
MY PREFERRED METHOD (Databases or Tables- here from Windows client) Overview (click to go straight to STEP) STEP 1 : Preparation STEP 2 : Make the Dump File* STEP 3 :…
I have been a contributor to the Open Street Map dataset on a very minor level for about 8 years now and I would recomend it to anyone doing research…
If you haven't used it before Overpass Turbo is a website that allows the user to interrogate the global OpenStreetMap database. This is excellent for identifying at scale building types…
Following on the theme of using Openstreet map to identify spatial context of building here's the syntax to identify schools within a bounding box defined as your selected field of…
So I've been investigating Javascript mapping libraries and I've had a chance to investigate three. I've been working with them and chatGPT to build basic applications using data from the…
Introduction In terms of the Housing Land Audit , Employment land and Vacant and Derelict land it is important to quickly identify what constraints/policies and education catchment areas a site…
Once you have your data in an Enterprise Grade database sharing that information becomes important. Some vendors, in particular Digital mapping SAAS vendors want you to transfer your data into…
Planning in the UK has for a long time suffered from a classic siloing of data by authority resulting in slow and varied analysis of information. Authorities relied on talented…
Geoserver has this really great feature whereby admins are able to create views that are held with the configuration of the Geoserver but separate from the database. This allows admins…
This post is a brief description of my findings on setting up Geoserver from scratch and some particular points on setting it up for an Oracle connection. I hope it…
Pros I recently started using ArcGIS Online (AGOL), a platform that seems to be widely regarded as a solid choice for online mapping. So far, I’ve found its user interface…