Appeal Process : Local Review Body and Procedure

Relevant to some householders applications & some full planning applications

Only applies when a planning application has been decided through delegated powers (householder / planning application ) and the applicant is unhappy with the decision they can appeal via the Local Review Board. Please note this does NOT apply to appeal against advertisement decisions they go straight to the DPEA.

Local applications

If your local application has been refused, or it has not been determined within the specified statutory time period of two months, or you consider that conditions attached to your planning permission are unreasonable, you can seek a review by the Local Review Body. This applies to local applications which have been determined under delegated powers (decisions taken by the Head of Planning, Economic Development and Regeneration, not decisions taken by the Development Management Committee).

To seek a review by the Local Review Body, you must submit a Notice of Review, within three months of the date of the decision/lack of decision on your application, which sets out why you wish the case to be reviewed, and what procedure, or combination of procedures, that you wish to be used for the review.

The exact process will vary according to the authority that you have registered your application with but this will be the procedure