Legislation and National Planning Frameworks (NPFs) (Scotland Overview)

Scotland Overview – April 19 2023 there was a talk titled

Delivering NPF4 & achieving net-zero through behavioural change

The UK collaborative centre for housing evidence and the housing and place delivery forum will jointly host the upcoming conference ‘Delivering Scotland’s fourth National Planning Framework (NPF4); What will it take on Monday 24 April.

NPF4 challenges all those engaged in the Scottish planning system by demanding that we do things significantly differently. It is effectively a social mandate for all of us – to live closer together, be more connected, and mover around by ‘active’ transportation. However societal change is incremental, and it requires clear and simple messaging and must be established by persuasion. This means ‘nudging’ our habits and customs to fit with how we should live in the future.

The webinar features two presentations. as follows;

Mainstreaming low-carbon lifestyles‘ by Professor Lorraine Whitmarsh MBE

Hedonistic Urbanism:connecting self-interest and societal good‘ by Christoper Martin.


The Scottish Government recently approved National Planning Framework 4 (link below), which now forms part of the development plan and must be taken in to account in determining planning applications.  Policy 3 of NPF4 relates to ecology and requires all development proposals to include measures to enhance ecology.



The National Planning Framework (NPF) is a long term plan for Scotland that sets out where development and infrastructure is needed.  Scotland’s fourth National Planning Framework (NPF4) will be a long term plan looking to 2045 that will guide spatial development, set out national planning policies, designate national developments and highlight regional spatial priorities. It will be part of the development plan, and so influence planning decisions across Scotland.

Statutory development plans must have regard to the NPF, and Scottish Ministers expect planning decisions to support its delivery. The forthcoming National and Regional Marine Plans should also be taken into account where relevant. NPF3 informs development and investment decisions of the Scottish Government, its agencies, planning authorities, private investors and other bodies.

Developer Contributions – Section 69 and Section 75 Legislation

Section 69 – Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973

Section 75 and Section 75A – Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997

The Town and Country Planning (Modification and Discharge of Planning Obligations) (Scotland) Regulations 2010


The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (Scotland) Regulations 1984

DMR – Development Management Procedures

Part of the Scottish Planning Series – planning circular 3/2013

The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2013

All procedures are here

Planning Series (General Overview)

National Planning Framework (NPF) is the Scottish Government’s strategy for Scotland’s long term spatial development.

Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) is the statement of Scottish Government policy on nationally important land use planning matters.

Designing Streets is the statement of Scottish Government planning, transport and architecture policy on street design.

Creating Places is the statement of Scottish Government policy on architecture and place.

Circulars contain Scottish Government policy on the implementation of legislation or procedures. Statements of Scottish Government policy in the above documents may be material considerations to be taken into account in development plans and development management decisions. The West Edinburgh Planning Framework has the same status in decision making as the SPP and NPF.

Planning Advice Notes provide advice and information on technical planning matters.